Jennifer Stone

Owner of Imprintability!
Graphic Artist

You Can’t Be Everywhere…… But Your LOGO Can!! Need a Logo? Need to re-vamp your current Logo? I rely on Imprintability!. Jennifer Stone loves helping small business and big business create a logo that communicate their brand. Additionally, she does awesome promotional products.

Troy and Loren Ford standing in front of a printing machine
Ford Printing and Mailing

Direct Mail and Printing

Direct Mail Services! Design and Fulfillment. Ford Printing and Mailing is my go to company. They will design it, print it, and mail it. Post Cards, Catalog’s, Envelopes, Greeting Cards. If it needs printing they have the technology. Besides, when you call you’ll get Loren, or Troy, or Kim … yup, humans.

Roxanne "Rocke" Zito

Roxanne “Rockie” Zito, I am the younger sister to Christine. I also come from a family owned business background working for a family of over 20 years. Being the former manager of “The Only Place in Town” and “Barney’s” in Pasadena I brings to the table rich experience in customer service, management, and sales. One…